Exchange . Rent . Sale
Social network dedicated to housing and services ads
Users only see the ads for which they are the recipients
Welcome !
Join keymmunity – free membership and free publications
- Propose or discover new opportunities for the sale, the rental or the exchange of housing (a holiday home, your own house, a room…)
- For the services too : a friend of a friend may need your know-how (plumber, gardener, baby sitter…)
- No financial transaction on this site, users manage arrangements between them. We do not take any %
Add an ad (free)
- You choose who can see your ads : some selected friends, all your friends, all your friends and their friends, everyone
- The ads published with a public visibility can be shared on Facebook
- Owners are free to mention or not the available dates or the booked dates, these informations will be displayed on the details’ page of the ads. You could do as shown in this example