How it works

    • When translation tool is used, the home page tab is hidden in the left menu, just click on the title “Keymmunity” to go back to the home page.
    • To go back to a previous page, you can simply use the back arrow of your browser.

1. Free registration and free publications
2. How to become member
3. Number of ads allowed
4. Adding ads
5. General search page
6. Personal profile page


1. Free registration and free publications (you must be member to add ads)

  • There are 2 domains with several categories: Real estate and Services. The subject of the ads must concern the selected category.
  • Members can choose to publish their listings to 4 different groups of recipients (visibility) : “to the public”, “to selected friends”, “to all friends”, “to all friends and their friends” (+ your ads on hold). For each ad, you select the appropriated offer types(s) and give other informations.
  • Everybody can see the public listings.

2. How to become member

  • Click on the menu icon above right, click on “Register”or click here, fill in the fields and tick the boxes.
  • Your username must be unique (wait for confirmation) and must be one word with lower case characters only.
  • You will receive an email to validate your account, just click on the link in the email and log in. Please check your SPAMS box and if our email is in there, define the expeditor (keymmunity) as non-spam and put the email in your emails box to be sure to receive further notifications about your ads, friends etc.

Let us know if you don’t receive our email validation after registration :

Open the e-mail and click on the link to validate your account, you will be back on the website and can log in to access your profile space and to be part of the members.

  • Members are responsible for the content they insert.
  • You must be over the age of thirteen years old to become member.
  • Members can unsubscribe at any time.
  • One and only account for a same individual.
  • One and only account for a same professional, organization or company.

In the member directory

  • The members are presented with their first name.
  • Before asking for friendship to someone, If you are not sure, you should search with the last name, the best is to put a photo of yourself as profile picture.


3. Number of ads allowed

  • Users can have both an account as individual and another account as professional, or they can use the same account to publish their ads, mentioning each time whether an ad is published as individual or as a professional.
  • The ads can be modified or deleted at any time.
  • Each ad can have a maximum of thirty photos.
  • Users will be careful to remove or disable their ads that are no longer valid.
  Individuals :
  • Individuals can have an unlimited number of ads concerning their own properties or services proposed as individual BUT of course, with a maximum of one ad, for a same category of a same property with a same offer type (for rent, for sale, …), published to a same group of recipients (visibility). The same concerning the service offers.
  Professionals :
  • Professionals can have an unlimited number of valid ads. Those ads must concern different properties or group of a same type of properties forming part of a same real estate development. The same concerning the service offers.
  • Professionals can not use the “Send enquiry” or “Send a private message” features to promote their products or services , this features must be used as a specific request concerning the listings or as a response to a request from other users.

4. When adding ads

  • The translation tab is down the page “add an ad”
  • You select the concerned domain
  • You choose the visibility of your publication : (on hold), selected friends, all your friends, all your friends and their friends, public
  • You mention whether you publish your ad as individual or as a professional.
  • You select one or more categories.
  • You select the type(s) of offer : exchange, for rent, for sale and you give a description and fill the other fields.
  • If you want to publish “a same ad” (concerning the same property) to a different group of recipients with, for example, a different offer or a different price, you will have to add a new ad for that, and the recipients who would receive a “same” ad multiple times will consider the most advantageous one.

Of course, the ads are only visible for their recipients ! 

  • Don’t be surprised to see all your own listings on the general search page and under the friends’ listings tab of your friends’ profile, whatever the recipients group you have chosen for the publication.
  • The Facebook share button is only available on the detail page of the ads published with a public visibility.

5. The general search page

  • You will see all the published listings and for which your are the recipient : all your own listings, all the listings of the other unknown users sent to public, and all the listings of your friends and their friends for which your are the recipient.

6. Your personal profile page

  • You have tabs under which you will see, classified per domain : your listings, your listings on hold, your settings, the ads of your friends and the ads of the friends of your friends for which your are the recipient, etc
  • As time goes by, you can easily find, for each domain, the ads that interest you. Think to use the feature “favorite” for ads that particularly interest you.
  • You are notified when your friends publish new listings, you can choose from which domain(s) you are notified by email : Profile – Settings – Email. Your friends will not be notified for ads that you firstly published “On hold”and which are then published with another visibility. However, once published with the new selected visibility these ads will appear marked as new if they are published within the 7 days from their initial date of publication with the “On hold” status.
  • The small circles next to the image of each domain will be yellow as long as you haven’t clicked on the image and that ads have been added since your last click on this tab, circles will be yellow even if you may have already seen these ads on the search page or another profile. A modified ad will not be considered as new added ad. The number in the circles corresponds to the total number of ads (not the new ones) – number indicates up to 99+.


Thank you for your participation


>  More info …


General Search

Real Estate